Trend Analysis Jobs


Trend analysis is not just about keeping up with the latest fashion styles. Trends are a way of life and are constantly changing, you need to keep abreast of all the trends that affect the market and your business in order to be successful. A Fashion trend analyst monitors changes in fashion, looks at the cost involved in creating the trend, the effect it has on the consumer and how it can affect your company. This person also analyzes the impact on the market of new styles and how they affect the marketability of a product or service. The key role of the Fashion Trend Analyst in fashion business is to identify and forecast new trends, helping businesses to make decisions based on facts instead of feelings or fancy.

Fashion trend analysis jobs require analysis of the way the consumer’s behavior changes when new trends are introduced into the market. For example, if a particular style of shoe is becoming very popular, you might want to examine why that style is popular and what it might mean for the business. The process may even require you to visit a store that offers the style in question and actually try it on. The purpose of this research is to discover why a trend might be emerging and how it might affect the target market. You will also need to be able to determine the short and long term effects that a trend may have on a business.

If you have an interest in becoming involved in the study of trends in fashion then fashion trend analysis jobs are the career for you. You will find that there are many different positions available and this may require a college degree or other qualifications. Graduates with fashion degrees are more likely to have job offers available to them than those without a fashion degree. However, even if you don’t have a degree it is possible to get one and it is well worth taking the time to gain one in order to be competitive in your field.
