Trend Analysis in Fashion


Trend Analysis in Fashion

Trend analysis in fashion has to do with the study of how different seasons affect the trends that are already set in motion. Due to the reality that the fashion trends and forecasts are very important aspects of this industry, a whole segment of the clothing industry is built around this discipline of figuring out what is going to happen next in time. With a little bit of effort one can study what is already happening in the market and try to predict what will be the next big thing in fashion. One can also study what the fashions are for and attempt to copy them.

Trends in fashion are really determined by two main factors. The first factor is how season it is and the other factor is what are the current big themes that are taking place. If the current season is about a new style that didn’t exist last season then it means that there are no such trends. Likewise if the current season is about a popular street style then it will mean that you will have plenty of room for improvement. When it comes to predicting what are the upcoming trends in fashion the only two factors that really matter are how seasons it is in which to place the trends happen in, and what are the current major themes taking place.

Trend analysis in fashion has to do with studying what colours and themes dominate in the fashion industry. It is easier for designers to design clothes that will look great if one knows which colours and themes will dominate in each season. This knowledge helps the designer to come up with designs that are in accordance with the current trends. It is even more crucial if the designers are working with a team because they can use the analysis of colour trends to help decide on the colours and themes for each season. When it comes to designing clothes that will go well together, it is imperative that they are both compatible and will complement each other.
