Top 5 Hair Style For Man – Which Is Right For Me?


Top 5 Hair Style For Man – Which Is Right For Me?

The top five hair style for man is based on the basis of the most basic principle that says a guy is only as good as his hair. Whether you like it or not, your hair says a lot about who you are and therefore should be handled with great care. It is therefore important to keep it clean and looking its best at all times. However this does not mean that you need to spend money on special shampoos or conditioners that would help your hair to be glossy and moisturized. What you really need to do is to keep your hair clean at all times using simple methods such as washing it daily, conditioning it on the weekends and giving it some kind of special treatment on occasion.

There is no question that some styles are more stylish than others and would look much better on some men than others. The truth however remains that there is no one universal style for every guy. What works for your friend may not work for you. The best you can do is to experiment and find out what actually works for you. If you have always had short hair, you could try growing your hair a bit longer to make it appear to be slightly longer, which would draw more attention to the face and enhance the image of the person in front of the mirror.

You could also try changing the style of your hair depending on the season. Spring and summer are when guys normally style their hair, but there are some men who would prefer to leave it loose all year round and let it fall in certain conditions. If your hair falls in this category, you may want to add some volume at the top of your head by combing it upwards. Likewise, if you have thinning hair at the temples, you could easily correct this by cutting off some of the height. Hair styling is an individual affair and should be chosen according to your own personal preference.
