Top 5 Fashion Trends 2021


Top 5 Fashion Trends 2021

The Top 5 Fashion Trends for 2021 are the same as those listed in the previous year. What makes them different is the fact that this time around, the list has been prepared by a freelance writer. Since writers are very knowledgeable about fashion, it’s no surprise that they have picked up on the latest styles and trends. The Top 5 fashion trends for 2021 are: Luxury, Celebrities, Celebrity Skin Care, YouTube and Hip Hop. There’s even a section devoted to “Top Ten Places to Get Your Fashion Tips.”

Luxury, like always, is the top consideration for anyone interested in style. Rich women wear Louis Vuitton handbags, pearls and other valuable jewelry pieces. Those of middle class and lower class only consider stylish clothing and accessories when they want to look like a million bucks. For the rich, luxury becomes a lifestyle choice.

Celebrity skin care has become big news in the past few years. Skin care has been featured in many popular magazines, including People Magazine. One celebrity in particular, though, has made big news in the beauty world with her “Cellulite Free” campaign. Cellulite affects almost everyone and reducing it is one of the top items on the wish list of both men and women.
