Tim Pandit


Tim Pandit

There’s a certain comfort in a good joke, which seems to be lost on Donald Trump.

“I have a good feeling about this,” he said, smiling back like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. And the Trump joke, like the joke Trump made about not paying taxes, never really did much to undermine his chances in the presidential process.

The problem was he kept doing it. As he did last night during a segment on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends,” Trump continued to joke about “winning the lottery.”

He said that he did it during a recent trip to New Zealand while playing golf.

Trump said it would be nice if his fellow candidate, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, “took the wheel.”

It wouldn’t bother anyone if the two went head-to-head in the primaries, or if Trump lost. The key is to make Trump’s jokes stick.

While Trump’s latest jokes didn’t make him seem too far-fetched, his past ones were a disaster – ones that played to his base.

Some of the most memorable moments came during his appearances in Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

Trump is known to have a very bad memory on national television because he often forgets facts. He was criticized for failing to recall that John McCain was captured in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, something McCain apologized for many times.

But on Fox News last night, Trump kept repeating a line that became a running joke during the primary campaign.

This year, as he did at the beginning of the campaign in the Sunshine State, Trump kept repeating the phrase “don’t forget,” as the cameras remained pointed at him. He said it a number of times during his appearance in Nevada and Florida.

The line appears on the back of a card he offered for free in New Hampshire, in lieu of money.

Tim Pandit

Location: New York City , United States
Company: China Telecommunications
