Tia Eliana Was Born in Mexico But She Claims to be a Mexican National


Tia Eliana’s sudden fame has caused much confusion. She is a Mexican actress who was raised in the United States. Tia’s mother was a drug dealer and her father was also in the drug trade. It was said that Tia had been studying at a very young age, and that she was studying music in college, which is a common excuse given for a lot of actors that are not really what they advertised. In fact, Tia Eliana was studying to be an architect when her agent showed her a casting call for a soap opera called “Cristo”, which was to be shot in New York.

Tia Eliana seems to have impressed executives with her beauty, and was cast after sending in a few auditions. There was a press release stating that Tia was twenty-five years old when the soap was shot, and Tia Eliana is actually thirty-three. A quick internet search shows that Tia Eliana has only been on the IMDB for a couple of months, and that she only has one credited role. She claims to have been in more than twenty films, but there is no record of those.

Some have claimed that Tia Eliana is a Spanish national, which would make her about ten years older than she actually was, which would make her technically still a minor. However, as Tia she states on her MySpace page, she was born in Honduras. Many people who mention this theory don’t know that Tia Eliana is actually Puerto Rican. If Tia Eliana had chosen to be Puerto Rican, then her birth certificate would most likely show her as such.
