The Wrath of Luso by Luisa Accorsi


In The Wrath of Lusanne, Luisa Accorsi provides a rather disturbing glimpse into the often brutal world of partnership that exists today. Accorsi depicts the perils of marrying young and getting involved in high-risk activities, even while portraying an idealistic picture of marriage and love. I find myself agreeing with some of her points about young partners getting involved in dangerous behaviors, however I am torn between her arguments for being a height difference, as it makes logical sense that height difference may increase risks of injury in any given situation. However, there are many ways to explain the many reasons for being tall or short, and it is irrelevant whether you are short or not when getting involved in dangerous situations.

If one is to accept the premise advanced by Luisa Accorsi in The Wrath of Luso that being tall will benefit a tall woman in a partnership, one must then ask oneself why it is that many partners are short. Short partners are commonly seen as pushy, disinterested, or unable to properly care for themselves, which can lead to unhealthy relationships. The majority of short people do not take the time to dress properly, do not consider their appearance important, and fail to provide interest in the person they are with. This could all be factors in a partnership, and no one has the right to judge another based on appearance, regardless of gender or race.

What matters is whether or not you are able to communicate effectively, take care of yourself, and provide a quality life for your partner. Being tall may not necessarily benefit you or your partner, especially if you are not tall yourself. Think about it: how much would you value a relationship where you couldn’t communicate with your partner? Would you be willing to risk having a long term relationship with someone that you could not communicate with?
