The World of Maxine Ashley


Maxine Ashley is a famous Australian actress and singer who once had a height problem. She came to know about the problem when she was fifteen years old and was constantly taunted about her height by the boys at school. She tried out for basketball and other sports but with no success. She then decided to give up on sports and concentrate more on her singing career and pursued an acting career in movies. But her association with football, and the jokes she was subjected made her lose her ambition and her desire to pursue a career in the acting world.

After losing interest in sports, her profile started to decrease gradually, Maxine Ashley also lost her status of being an “in” thing in the Australian National Football Team. A lot of sports persons and sports lovers found it difficult to accept her departure from the field, as her height still did not fit into the athletic profile. Her partner, Samoan sprout Samoan heritage was also not contented with her looks. Her family was adamant on her being a “fair-skinned” woman and refused to accept her claim that her height was the only reason for her not being selected for the national team.

In fact, Maxine Ashley has been able to change her nationality several times. She was born in Tonga, Australia but her parents sent her to Italy and Hawaii, where she finally settled. She finally returned to her native country in the United States to live in San Francisco, California. Her partner has also changed Nationality at several occasions as well as her age has changed several times due to her constant weight loss and gain.
