The Wet Sock Therapy – A Simple Fever Reducer


The Wet Sock Therapy – A Simple Fever Reducer

The Wet Sock Treatment is a popular method of treating your tonsil stones, white spots, and tonsilloliths. The Wet Sock Treatment functions to stimulate increased blood circulation, which triggers the parasympathetic nervous system and reduce congestion in your upper respiratory passages, throat, and head. Many individuals report they sleep better during the therapy and it also has a very relaxing effect. It is easy to use as you place the wet socks over your tongue, jaw, or anywhere else that may cause irritation. It works by gently massaging your throat areas until a positive response is received from the wetness of the socks.

To begin your Wet Sock Treatment, place one pair of wet socks over each cheek and/or gums. If possible, try to choose one pair per area of pain. Then begin by removing one sock at a time as you brush your teeth with your other hand. If you find that one sock is not working, try placing another one of the same color and/or material under the first one and once again removing one sock at a time. Do this for each sock and try both feet before choosing one pair to continue with your Wet Sock Therapy.

Once you have completed your Wet Sock Therapy, you should allow your feet to rest for about five minutes so the socks can work properly. You may want to add a little bit of light-healing powder to the socks before you begin your next step. Remember, the key with this Wet Sock Treatment is to allow the socks to stay in contact with your feet at all times. You will definitely feel the positive effects of the warming treatment as your feet begin to heal, thus preventing the development of any possible infections.
