The Valentina Velez Story


Valentina Velez is the latest celebrity to be caught in the maelstrom of a controversial public dispute. Ms. Valentina has been slammed for plagiarizing a blog post written by her former partner, National Enquirer columnist Dan Burke. Ms. Velez claims that the post was indeed plagiarized, but then changed her mind and accepted the apology from Mr. Burke. In the apology letter, Mr. Burke actually said he would like to apologize on behalf of his former partner for causing her pain, but that he could not recall the exact words or even if he plagiarized them at all. Ms. Valentina claims that this apology letter proves nothing as the damage is already done. Ms. Valentina has also filed a lawsuit against Mr. Burke and National Enquirer, seeking damages for defamation and invasion of privacy.

This might sound like a ridiculous lawsuit to some people, especially given the fact that the two were first married in Chile and that there is no length of time in which a marriage must be filed. However, the lawsuit is a remarkable example of how the rules of nationality, age difference and the law can get very complicated when one partner is not willing to conform to the desires of the other. The rules of both marriage and divorce are based on the notion that two people who are of the same nationality, regardless of their height or age should treat each other with respect. If one partner feels that they are treated differently in a specific country, they are legally allowed to seek damages to make their point.

However, the height difference might turn out to be irrelevant in this situation, especially considering the fact that Valentina and Mr. Burke were not actually married when the incident occurred. This might seem like a strange case to be fighting about and it might even be a little outside the realm of reason. However, it is important to remember that the rules of nationality and age difference are important and that ignoring the rules can have long lasting consequences. Regardless of how someone feels about it, the legal battle might be worth it if it forces an issue and helps to put an end to an unwanted relationship.
