The True Story of Sofia Gabanna


The protagonist of this story, Sofia Gabanna, was the daughter of a Russian count and was considered as one of the most beautiful women in Europe at that time. She was educated in both Romania and Turkey, but it seems like she had more fondness for her homeland and preferred to live in it even though she loved her native land. Her choice of living in Transylvania with her family became the background for her eventual decision to marry Count Dracula. It is said that Sofia Gabanna was an avid reader of the occult, and that her reading made her very sensitive towards her gender and identity issues. She constantly longed to belong to the human race, and tried to find ways on how to blend in with the society despite her ethnicity and gender. So when her friend from Istanbul informed her of Count Dracula’s death, she started to have second thoughts and changed her mind to marry him.

As you know, Sofia Gabanna was thirty years old when she decided to marry Dracula. She claimed to be seventeen years old, which is not far from the truth, considering her age when she died. Some people believe that she was seventeen or eighteen during the time of her death. This is because the period of her marriage to Count Dracula was marked by the end of her nationality, which made it difficult for her to get a passport in order to travel to Europe. The cause of this is that until then she was officially British, as stated on her birth certificate. Furthermore, her naturalization into Romanian citizenship followed after the death of her husband.

Another version of the true story of Sofia Gabanna is about her being from Transylvania and marrying a man of Romanian nationality. This is the version that is usually told by historians, and is the most accepted version of events. However, there are also some other versions of the true story of Sofia Gabanna, which is neither accepted by historians nor by those who believe in her nationality. These versions include her having Egyptian, Iranian, or Polish nationality. All of these different versions of events have different reasons for leading to different conclusions about what really happened when Sofia Gabanna died.
