The Tragic Story of Cynthia Tthov – A True Love Story


Cynthia Tthov’s husband was a professional in the government and had become very wealthy, so their marriage was a happy one, even though Cynthia and she were both in their thirties; they still managed to have five children. However, this did not stop them from having many affairs, as their social circle was very large and most of the people that knew them both were also married. In fact, even the friends of Cynthia’s husband thought that it was okay for her to have an affair with a much older man; in fact, her second husband was willing to assist in helping her to leave her old life behind him and get on with her new life of being a house wife.

One day, Cynthia Tthov found out that her husband had arranged for her to be away from home for the weekend; she was not very happy about this, even though she was used to being away. Her friend who knew Tinthos’ husband told her that her husband loved her very much, but that he did not want to be separated from her by force. Cynthia Tthov decided to visit her lover, whom she had not seen for years, even though she was not feeling particularly well; this was all it took for her to end up strangling her lover. Later that evening, after Tinthos had fallen asleep and Cynthia Tthov had been alone in the room, she had an affair with her lover.

This would turn out to be extremely difficult for Tinthos to recover from; after all, it was only a matter of time before she was discovered by her husband, since she was always at his side during all of his dealings. Finally, after a lengthy court case, Cynthia Tthov was convicted of extramarital sex and was given a two-year suspended sentence, with all additional jail time added to her sentence. She served her sentence and then immediately returned to her husband. It was a difficult time for Tinthos, as she could not face the world without her husband; although, she still loved him, there simply was nothing more that she could do to save her marriage. Fortunately, her lover had already moved on to another woman by this point, and she was able to continue living a normal, happy life.
