The Relationship Between Olivia Galletly and her Partner


When Olivia Galletly was found dead in the bathtub of her own home, it was ruled that she had died from drowning. However, her autopsy report indicated otherwise and raised questions as to how she could have ended up in the tub in the first place given that she was last seen alive at approximately 1 a.m. on that very day. Was this girl really married and involved in an affair or perhaps even simply using the home as a getaway? If this is indeed the case, what does the Government have to do to get to the bottom of this murder mystery?

The government has to look into the possibility of marital misconduct involving the death of this woman. This is because of how she was found deceased in the home and because of the suspicious circumstances around her death. The fact that no note was left indicating that she was home alone also raises questions as to how she got there and out of the house on the night of her death. It can be determined that she may have fallen and hit her head while trying to walk down the steps leading to the door of her home. Because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the death, the government needs to look into whether or not marital misconduct is to blame for this death.

Considering the strange circumstances surrounding the death, there is reason to believe that this could be a case of infidelity on the part of Olivia Galletly’s partner. She was thirty years old and in the nationalities most commonly known as British or Irish. The nationalities that are not commonly known as British or Irish are German, Pole, and Italian. In other words, this case could very well be one in which her partner had an affair with another woman and perhaps even killed her in an effort to cover his own shameful acts.
