The Pros and Cons of Modeling for a Nationality


Juliana Gattas is one of the most sought-after talents among modeling agencies. Her photogenic features have made her one of the most desired additions in the pages of fashion magazines and Hollywood movies. Though her acting ability is commendable, many modeling agencies still rate Gattas as their top choice for nationalities Latin and American. While Gattas might be a great athlete, many consider her simply too short to carry off a lead role in a film or television show. But then, height is not a requirement for a modeling career these days, since some of the biggest names in the industry are those who don’t have supermodel looks.

This Italian Nationality may be categorized as ‘mild,’ since she has very light skin. Skin color is definitely not her asset. In fact, her biggest asset is her personality that makes her a joy to be around, a pleasure to be with, and a pleasure to marry. Even though she may not be the biggest name in the industry, Gattas’ role as Italy’s first lady during the 1994 election made her a celebrity in the making.

Gattas also has an interesting history regarding her marriage to cyclist Victorino Costera. After marrying him, she lived in New York City for a few years, before returning to Milan to wed again. While in Italy, she also became pregnant once again, this time with cyclist Valentino Lance Armstrong. With multiple babies under her belt, she may become eligible for yet another pension if she successfully completes her sentence for drug trafficking.
