The Professional Background of Emma Marshall


Summary of Information Regarding Emma Marshall: Cite this article as a resource for anyone looking for information regarding Emma Marshall, the Australian Nationality and height of Queen Elizabeth, the controversial figure and mother of the two British monarchs. She is said to be at least six feet in height. Her title as “Empress of Sheppey” was conferred by the then king, George IV, upon her marriage to her cousin, Arthur Radliffe. Emma was also known as Empress of Guernsey during her marriage to the duke of Gloucester, later King Edward IV.

Emma’s official title as “Emma of Sheppey” had been retained throughout the Edwardian era and into the New Victorian period. She served as a lady-in-waiting to Queen Victoria who chose her for the task when the queen was away on an official trip to Australia. During this time she acted as a royal aide to the princesses of Wales and kept the regal white horse, called “Buckland,” well-fed and safe. Her services were critical in the performance of her duties to the British crown. She travelled frequently throughout England and attended banquets and other functions that were held outside the UK and helped the royals enjoy their wealth and their status.

Emma was forty years old when she became Queen Victoria’s first consort. She was seventy when the marriage broke down and she was widowed after only twenty-one years of marriage. She never remarried but she enjoyed a long and successful career as a writer and travel writer. Her writings are still available through the Internet.
