The Partner by Paola Simo โ€“ A Memorable Year in Brazilโ€™s Fashion Industry


Paola Simo, the Brazilian designer/entrepreneur was born in the rural community of Santa Maria do Cebu. Growing up with the passion for fashion and art, she decided to attend the University of Cuenca (uates school) where she pursued a degree in Graphic Design. At the university, she discovered her love for creative art and design. This led her path-breaking career in Brazil and designing for brands such as Leviโ€™s, Diesel, D&G, Lโ€™Oreal and others. Since then, Paola has expanded her work portfolio and has been involved in numerous different projects, including a social venture in Rio de Janeiro involving street kids.

Partnering up with her childhood friend Paco Rabanne, now a well known photographer in his own right, Paola has set out on a journey traversing the world to find her soul mate. This story is called, a lifestyle change. In her new book, entitled, The Partner, Paola reveals that she discovered her true calling when she realised that being a photographer was more of a job than anything else in her life.

In this memoir, one can learn that a life of photography doesnโ€™t just stop at capturing images. Itโ€™s about the process of discovering oneself through self-examination and observation. Through her own discoveries, life lessons have been learnt. She has also gained valuable insight as to how to live a happy and successful life in general. Through her stories, one can discover oneself and achieve amazing results.
