The Origin of Fashion Trends


The Origin of Fashion Trends

The origin of fashion is credited to the Romans, who created the first fashion of their time. They would not have been able to create such elaborate fashions without having to borrow from the works of other cultures. Their creations would have been drastically different to the designs we see now, and it was this borrowing that created the very different styles we see today. The Romans took borrowed designs from such places as Egypt, Spain, China, and Japan, and each culture had their own interpretation of what the Roman’s design should look like.

The first thing that can be said about the origin of fashion is that it started in the middle ages. There is no real clear origin point since the concept of what a garment should be was haphazardly invented by people over time. But there are some things that are known about the beginnings of what we now call fashion, and these include the fact that the clothes that were worn in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were far more elaborate than any of the clothes worn in the early eleventh century. Men were wearing suits with tails on them, and women would wear dresses that were full skirts with under dresses to protect them from the cold during the winter.

The material that was used for these suits was wool, and they were generally brightly colored, so that people could easily recognize them. The fabrics that were used for clothing were also different, as the use of dyes and other materials became more widespread after the middle ages. The colors that were available for these suits were red, orange, purple, and blue, while black remained a rare color for clothing. These days we rarely see any of these bright colors for clothing, except for the dress blues that are so common in popular culture.
