The Nationality of Natasha and Alex


Natasha Jen is a professional who has been happily married for many years, but the relationship she shares with her son, Alex was much more than a parental relationship. She has always been open about the fact that her son was adopted and never considered himself to be anything other than a biological son, but there are certain issues which brought their relationship into doubt until recently. The question that was never asked but which certainly should have been is whether or not the adoption of Alex came from an ideal, stable family in a stable neighborhood, or if this was simply a case of opportunity which could have been shared by any number of alternative parents with children of comparable ethnic backgrounds and ethnic aspirations.

One of the first questions that should have been asked is the relationship between Natasha’s natural height (listed at 5′ 7″), her professional height and the relative heights of the family members she shared her home with. While it is difficult to draw any general conclusion as to whether or not this played a role in the decision to place Alex into her family, it must be said that her naturally tall height did influence her decision to stick with him. In discussing the possibility of a sibling relationship, one of the benefits that comes from choosing the same race as your natural parent is the ability to avoid having to explain the reasons for your decision to others. If you have siblings who are of the same race or ethnicity, explaining your decision is much simpler than if your siblings are of different races or ethnicity. Similarly, if you share a nationality with your partner, your explanation becomes a whole lot easier.

The other consideration is that of the age difference between Natasha and Alex. Although Alex was only 7 when they married, given the relatively short age difference between a young teenager and a grown man of the same age, the marriage did not cause any feelings of guilt on Natasha’s part. Given the level of trust which is normally expected between siblings, there was no reason to believe that Alex would not be faithful to her. It is, however, worth mentioning that a shorter age difference does sometimes bring about some tension between siblings, and in certain cases, the level of trust can be diminished because of this age difference.
