The Nationality of Juliana Casali


In The shadows of the spectacular mountain peaks of the Andes, amidst the steaming vineyards and ancient villas of Tenerife, lies Juliana Casali. The beautiful woman with long dark hair, wears a peasant blouse and wears no jewelry is the epitome of traditional beauty. But Juliana Casali, was not born rich nor was she raised in opulent surroundings. Her true identity as a real person is revealed only by her actions, not by her attire or her material possessions.

At an early age she was repeatedly taken for granted by her mother and sisters as someone who simply could do no wrong. Her homeland, wherever she went, was treated with the same respectful care and kindness that she experienced at home. Her sad and tragic past, which included physical abuse, neglect and the death of an entire family member when Juliana was eight years old, finally caught up with her and from that point on, she refused to accept anything less than a high standard of personal excellence. As a result, whenever anyone of any status, let alone a woman, offered her marriage or a relationship, it was immediately rejected.

This rejection not only extended to romantic relationships but to all forms of social contact. From this perspective, it can be deduced that Juliana Casali was a very private person, a true Puerto Rican national with an authentic identity. Even her own stepmothers repeatedly accused her of being a foreigner and even accused her of being guilty of participating in the subculture of the Garifuna people. As a result, identity theft was not just an issue for Juliana Casali, but was a way of life for her throughout her life.
