The Nationality and Age of Yasmin Dost


Yasmin Dost is the latest personality transplant success story to make the rounds in the National Association of Reiki Practitioners (NAR). In fact, the first African American to achieve this prestigious title is making a splash in the Asian and Pacific communities. Born in Maryland, she is originally from Nigeria and was raised in Maryland. She now calls herself a healer and works with those who have similar natural healing backgrounds as she has.

Yasmin’s story is interesting. She began studying Reiki after receiving an education at college in the United States but never pursued her career due to feeling that the system did not fit with her nature. Following a life-changing experience when her sister was born, she decided to pursue a degree in psychology to help her cope with the new situation. After getting a master’s degree in mental health therapy, she felt that she wanted to utilize her learning to help those who were struggling with the same issues. Following her graduation, she traveled throughout the United States and Canada to begin her career as a Reiki practitioner.

It is unclear at this point if Yasmin Dost is a Caucasian or African American, but she does sport African American hair. Her birthday is September 3rd, the same as her NAR license number. At this point we are just learning about her career and her nationality. As her fans continue to discover the real person behind the online image, we will soon find out if she qualifies as a Reiki Master or just another Reiki healer. One thing is for sure, though: she is definitely an interesting person and she definitely has her own unique and powerful energy.
