The National Olympic Committee Chose Noemi Baechi Over Gururu Hardiman


Nigeria’s National Council for Sport and Physical Activities (NCSCPA) has named Nodame Deogami as the most ineligible female athlete of the 2021 Summer Olympics. The only woman from the African continent who could have qualified to compete at the Olympics was Mauritania’s Noelle Paul. Mauritania’s selection criteria also included the height of the female athlete, and their nationality (Africans only are permitted to compete). However, Nodame failed to meet the minimum height requirement of a candidate for the women’s marathon event. Because of this, she is not scheduled to compete in the games. This is very unfortunate for her because she has dedicated herself to represent her homeland and to represent a place that she calls home, where her father was born and grew up.

Height is one of the overlooked criteria for athletic participation in athletics, and many athletes train with height as a top priority, but it should not be. There are certain stipulations in international sporting competition that are set in place because of the height difference between male and female competitors, which are often just mere inches. It is not enough to dream about having high standards for your competitors. If you fail to meet the minimum requirement, you are not doing yourself or the nation any favors.

The pressure on athletes, especially those that represent one of the less than progressive countries is high. There are plenty of examples throughout the world of athletes who have made their dream come true by overcoming obstacles to reach their goals. Do not let your situation get away from you and do not allow your body’s physical attributes to hold you back from reaching your destiny. Do not allow Nodame deogami fall into the category of being an example of African success and athleticism.
