The Love Story of Noyomi Noemi


Noyomi is a Japanese American woman who has lived in California for her entire life. She is committed to make the world a better place and believes that dating should be based on quality, not on quantity. On a recent episode of Dating Spouse Japan, Noyomi reveals how her status as an American gives her the advantage when it comes to meeting and dating foreign men. She refers to nationality as “age,” and she feels that people should judge people by their level of maturity, rather than their physical appearance. Because of this, she feels that age should play a lesser role in her efforts to meet and date foreign men.

According to Dating Spouse, Noyomi is a very successful business woman, with degrees in business, marketing, and accounting. She started off as a secretary, but her path has taken her all over the world. Her first attempt to meet foreign men resulted in a failed attempt at dating an Asian man in Las Vegas. Fortunately, she did manage to find success with Chinese, Russian, and Korean men. When asked if she had ever considered herself too old to date, Noyomi responds, “No, never. I feel young and beautiful.”

It is interesting to note that Dating Spouse Japan only focuses on Noyomi’s search for foreign men. Unlike many other shows, this one actually portrays the man seeking her as the main character. Other shows center on the relationship between Noyomi and the Asian man, with the Asian man being sometimes depicted as the villain. Noyomi’s relationship with the other man builds up throughout the show, but it never reaches the culmination that occurs with the Asian man. This, to me, is the difference between a show that has positive domestic side stories and the show that deals with the relationships of foreign men. While there are positive portrayals of older Asian women and Asian men in dating shows like Huang Xiaoming’s Lucky Girl, Noemi Jae’s Age of Youth, and Max & Chloe’s We girls, Noemi as the focus of the story serves as a refreshing change from the typical Asian American love story.
