The Life of Angelica Salem


The Nationality of Angelica Salem is an interesting thing to see. Her parents had both American and British citizenship. Her birth was in New York City, and she was listed as either a British subject or a citizen of the United States depending on which place she was born. She was at one point legally defined as a dual national with regard to her dual citizenship status. However, when Angelica was seventeen years old, she lost her American citizenship and was consequently considered a British subject by all but her immediate family members.

If you look at the public records for Angelica Salem, you will see that she went to public school from the age of sixteen through nineteen. After that she attended Bowdoin College for two years, then worked as a secretary for a photographer before getting a teaching job at the preparatory school at Sacred Heart. It appears that she earned a master’s degree there, but it is not clear whether it was English or Math. From there, she might have worked for the government or started her own teaching practice. There are no reports of her having had a job in television or radio, and that could be due to the fact that those fields don’t pay very well.

There does appear to be one bit of information that we can draw from this period in her life. At some point she did mention a certain height problem, which may well have been related to her being too short to be attractive to someone at the age she was. She also said that she thought she might become a doctor, but never pursued that dream because of a fear of death. Her height is listed at one point as forty-three inches, but it could be thirty-two inches. It seems very unlikely that she would have been able to change her name, so that would confirm that she was born in Brooklyn, New York, and that her real name is Angelica Samantha Salem. It is a common enough name, so maybe that is what she used to really get her start.
