The Latest Fashion Trends From 1991


The Latest Fashion Trends From 1991

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word “1990s” is the “Bikini” or more specifically, the “ooter”. The “Bikini” is so overused that people can’t seem to get it right the first time and there are many styles and colours of this popular piece of fashion. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about fashion trends of the 1990s is the figure hugging tight jeans. These were most popular with women with an average size and as such, any woman with curves found her way onto the runways in these jeans. The tight fit and low rise also created a very sexy look and as such, they became the most popular form of apparel for women.

Another one of the most popular and fashionable form of fashion for the decade was the hip hop and urban clothing. This style was most common in the inner city areas of America and this made perfect sense, as the young people from these areas had no choice but to conform to this fashion in order to survive. The popularity of hip hop clothing also carried over into the music industry as many artists wore this type of clothing in their music videos. Music videos for some of the more popular artists such as Ice-T, Nelly, Fugees, P Diddy, and many others have put the 1990s fashion trends into good perspective by showing the importance and demand of this attire among the African American, Hispanic and Asian cultures.

Besides the apparel, accessories, shoes and bags, the most recent trends focus on accessories and clothes. For women, you could wear funky watches, funky jewellery, funky hats and also, you could accessorize with belts and handbags. Accessories such as shoes, belts and bags can also be made in leather. Men’s fashion trends have also included accessories such as sports jerseys, bandannas, scarves, and even socks. The most popular American fashion of the year, however, is still that of the college-aged crowd. They sport fun and witty hairstyles, they sport fun and witty clothing and they are happy with this because it allows them to participate in a vibrant and hip culture.
