The Hottest Woman Ever


Clare Pooley has won the hearts of men everywhere because, quite simply, she rocks. In terms of looks alone, the UK’s leading lady in the online dating game has been able to catapult herself from one barely legal website to another, each garnering multiple plaudits and praise. She’s currently on her third site and plans to be moving into her own apartment in New York City (that’s a good thing, by the way). However, it seems that her fame hasn’t escaped the notice of the man she hopes will be her mate and/or lifetime partner. In a recent blog post, she talks about how she wasn’t even aware that she was “outed” by another woman, but by a male blogger who says that she reminded him of his “princess” daughter:

So, what is it about this height obsessed blonde that men just cannot resist? It’s simple: Clare is beautiful, smart, and just a little bit sexy. While we all know what a stunner she is onscreen, there is something else that helps her gain the heart of men everywhere. Her natural height is a bit of a rarity in the world of online dating. Many of the taller sites cater to the “bulk up” crowd, but this lady doesn’t need that sort of padding and nor do most of us!

In fact, height is important to women all over the globe and is more important to them than it is to men. For that reason, if you are a tall woman looking for a man to share your life with, don’t get discouraged. There are plenty of tall dating sites where you can find Mr. or Mrs. Right, and you’re certain to have a much better chance of finding him online if you display your height advantage.
