The Height Difference by Victoria Fernanda


Victoria Fernanda is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion. She is originally from Brazil and studied martial arts for several years in Germany, Japan and China. Victoria has always said that she would like to teach Jiu Jitsu to the rest of the world, and she has successfully done so. She began her training in Germany when she was 19 years old and won the white belt at the age of 18. Since then Victoria has been training in many different styles of martial arts including German, Japanese and Chinese. In her book “Spira: My Path to Self-Esteem” Victoria talks about her past experiences in training and shares how she developed her winning mindset and how she trained with top names such as Mititsu, Roger Gracie, Yvanne Zucherman, Daniel Cagno, and Ray Stevens.

The Height Difference book by Victoria Fernanda covers the topic of how a common girl from Brazil can grow to be taller than most men their own age. She begins the book by discussing how she started out by comparing herself to her friends who are taller than she is. Over time, Victoria realized that she had a lot of growing to do both physically and mentally. The physical growth process includes getting into better shape, losing weight, gaining muscle and developing strength.

The Height difference book also covers the topic of dealing with a height difference while training with top names in the martial arts. Victoria first deals with her experience when competing against women who are much shorter than she is. She has beaten these same women multiple times, however, she still feels insecure about her height difference. Victoria goes on to talk about dealing with being labeled as a “charming short woman” by her male counterparts, how she overcame this, and how she learned to trust her body and not let the exterior define her true self. As Victoria has progressed throughout the years both professionally and personally, she has found being the “shortest person in the room” to be a ridiculous stereotype and now looks forward to having more patience and being more open with her partner and fellow students about her height difference.
