The Height Difference


Opinions about Olivia Bian, the British model and actress of the TV series “The Godfather” are divided. Her many critics say that her looks are like a walking piece of art, while her many fans swear by her acting skills. The “Godfather” film itself is a fascinating family saga about a man who falls in love with a woman whose background and identity are completely mysterious. His lust for the beautiful mother of his young daughter is strong, but he still has his own freedom to pursue his feelings. Because he never tells his daughter her true identity, her identity remains a secret even to her; the only person who knows she is Polish is her maid. As a result, he falls in love with her despite the risks inherent in love.

There is no question that it would be inappropriate for a famous personality to reveal her true identity at such a young age, especially one with such obvious physical beauty. However, we also know that people can make up fictional characters with realistic personalities, so why should it be any different with Olivia Bian? Height, looks and a career in the media have brought forth many speculations about the real-life self of this beautiful young lady. She has been compared to female celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson and Holly Golightly; but does this make her more real? This article will look at the height issue and whether or not it is possible to consider her a true Pole.

Some critics say that the height difference does not necessarily disqualify someone from being Pole. Her height has been likened to that of American model Kelley Cook – who is 2.3 inches shorter than Bianco Roman. It is certainly difficult to see how a height difference could affect her chances of becoming a prime candidate for a prestigious profession such as being a showgirl, a dancer or a commercial model. The profession of the model is dominated by blondes with European origins; it stands to reason that if Pole could have become a model through her birth certificate, then there is no reason why she could not also pursue a profession in the modeling industry. In fact, it might be argued that Pole really would be better served by pursuing a profession in the theater or the film industry, rather than trying to enter into the world of show business.
