The Future of Fashion and Beauty Trends


The Future of Fashion and Beauty Trends

The future is here folks, the fashion and beauty trends of the 21st century are here. And they are here to stay. With new products, new trends, and new inventions to create better fabrics, and tools to help us feel better and look better there are never any pauses in style. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and fashion has taken that notion one step further by making it mandatory to have certain basic pieces of clothing in every wardrobe.

So let’s get into it and discuss the hottest trends in fashion and beauty trends for the near future. There are some definite predictions, some of which may seem a little far-fetched, but bear with me. One of the most common predictions is that we will be seeing more clothing in bright colors such as neon green and bright red. These vivid hues are currently dominating the fashion scene and can be seen in everything from t-shirts to pants. Not only do bright colors lend themselves well to fashion and make them easier to clean, but they can also be seen to be more energizing and exciting to wear.

We will also be seeing more wearable technology such as tattoos and headbands. The fashion of tattoos has been steadily growing in popularity, but what is even more interesting is the fact that it isn’t just teenagers who are digging it out. Many middle aged and older people are discovering this fad. If you haven’t noticed, the popularity of tattoos is at an all-time high and is expected to continue growing for the foreseeable future. There are even celebrities who are getting in on the action, with singers like David Bowie and Patti LaBelle sporting tattooed faces.
