The Filter Sock Holder Guide


The Filter Sock Holder Guide

So you’re shopping for a fashion sock. You’ve seen them in magazines and fashion shows. They have some pretty awesome names (Kleenex, Fila, and Fila). All of these brands make great socks. But which one is right for you? Here’s a guide to picking the right sock for your fashion needs:

What size of filter sock are you going to need? You’ll want one that’s large enough to accommodate at least one extra sock – so if you have more than one pair of shoes, you’ll need a larger filter sock holder. The ideal size of filter sock to wear is one which is long enough to have at least a full gap of at least one inch from the bottom of the sump to the bottoms of the filters to the bottom of the socks. That way you have plenty of room to wiggle your socks in and out. And remember, a wider gap makes your footwear slide more comfortably over the rubber inner lining.

Which style of holder do you prefer? A round or square tank with rubber oops and flaps is great for wide feet. A rectangular shaped holder is great for narrow feet. A square or hexagonal tank with a rubber band is great for tall feet. And finally, if you don’t have a single sock to carry around, consider using a combination tank/sock holder that holds two to three pairs of socks!
