The Facts on Ashley Busch’s Height


Ashley Busch, the writer of the Narnia books, is now famous as a celebrity and has written some interesting biographies. One of his most recent books is a biography of Harry Potter’s Padma Patil, the Indian student who became the first known half-blood wizard in modern history. Some of the topics included in this book were his relationship with Padma, his Nationality, his Height, and his profession as a chef. While he discusses a lot of topics, it’s all along the lines of Padma’s character in the Narnia books that made him famous.

Ashley Busch begins his book about Harry Potter by talking about his early years in school. He talks about his love for Narnia, how his mother worried that he might become like her beloved books’ characters, how he became known as Padma Patil after he was discovered to be a half-blood wizard, and how his Nationality influenced his choice of career and marriage. I wasn’t able to find much about his Nationality or if he ever tried to mooch off his family or not. But he did talk about how his parents didn’t believe him when he said he was the son of a cow and a sheep and that he had to convince them that they were wrong. After going through so much trouble to prove them wrong, he finally gave up on his Nationality and married Lisa glimpses of his true heart.

In his second book, he takes a more detailed look at Harry’s early years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While we learn more about how he metamorphosed into a human and what the Dementors meant to him as a person, we also discover how his height difference benefited him in his career at Hogwarts. This is especially interesting since we know he wasn’t very tall when he entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. While it doesn’t give much insight into how he and Lisa became a married couple, it does illustrate how important height differences are to those pursuing different careers and what helps them make the right decisions in life.
