The Difference Between Love and Marriage by Erika Webber


Erika Webber is an award-winning author of young adult novels. She has written about many topics, including religion and dating. Now, she has written a book entitled: Age Differences, which discusses the differences between relationships for people based on their physical as well as their psychological maturity. In this book, Webber addresses issues like whether partners of young age can or should marry and if they are fit to do so.

In the book, Webber presents examples from her own life and from various marriage and relationship books and television programs, which all show that even though we think we have the same intentions when we commit to a relationship, we often come across as very different due to our differences in body size, height, weight, personality, or other such physical attributes. She uses these examples to make a strong point about the differences between marriage and love. Marriage is based on a contract and is intended to bring two people closer together based on the shared experience and similarities of their lives. Love, on the other hand, is different. While it is to be enjoyed and nurtured, it is also meant to bring two people closer together through the shared experience of love.

This book not only addresses the difference between love and marriage, but it also points out the difference between a loving and a committed relationship. While one can feel love for someone based on similarities, there is still a difference between sharing of experiences and feelings and the expectation of giving value and commitment. For people who are unsure as to whether they should enter into marriage or should wait for a while before doing so, this book is a good primer on the topic.
