The Diet Solution by Aurora Pianigiani


The latest in a long line of beautiful Italian celebrities, Aurora Pianigiani is perhaps the world’s foremost authorities on body image and fitness. She is also the creator of the popular TV show, The Gym, which she has executive produced and hosted. She is also credited with helping to launch Italy’s most popular weight loss diet, the Yollimaki diet. Among her many achievements, her recent book, The Diet Solution, which she wrote with her former partner, Marco Pelini, was highly praised by both experts and readers alike.

When it comes to her career as a designer/ stylist, it all started when she was 18 years old and fell under the spell of the late artist, I Monne. Later, she worked for top designers such as Dior’s Christoph Coppler and Gucci’s John Galliano. Although she worked with some of the best designers in the world, her innovative ideas often made an impact and led to her creating her own fashion line. Today, her clothing line includes accessories for men, women, and kids. In addition to clothing, she offers specialized home and bath accessories that showcase her signature style and personality.

The first in her latest book, The Diet Solution, is a hard-hitting work of fiction that details her attempts to shed off excess weight, achieve firm abs and turn back the hands of time. As you read each of her pages, you are immersed in a world where the past has been turned upside down and all is set for a fresh start. The book starts out with a Prologue, which chronicles her journey towards achieving the fitness goals she outlines in the book. From there, she shares what inspired her to create this amazing series of books, including her battles with weight gain, bulimia and overeating problems, her frustrations with Hollywood’s casting couch, and the reason why no one wants to be with her. Whether you love biographies, fiction books, or just plain interesting stories about the lives of others, you will definitely appreciate The Diet Solution by Aurora Pianigiani.
