The Concept Behind Ankle Socks


The Concept Behind Ankle Socks

What are ankle socks, anyway? Ankle socks are an open ankle boot that goes round the whole ankle, usually has either a drawstring closure on the side, or a hook and loop strap to fasten it onto the foot. They’re designed mainly for use with your regular (or everyday) slip-on shoes, but are also available in other styles. The main benefit of these socks is that they help to prevent your feet from being sweaty after exercising, which is a great incentive for wearing them!

So what exactly is Tumblr (and tumblr in general) about? Tumblr is a place where you can find (and make!) pictures related to anything and everything in existence, including (ironically) fashion and style. It’s a great place to get inspiration for new outfits, but it can also be used to promote yourself by showcasing (in your own words) your favourite outfit(s).

Now, why do I recommend wearing socks when exercising? Well, firstly they help to keep your feet cool during exercise, which is important if you are exercising indoors (since the air conditioning can be rather muggy). Secondly, they are relatively cheap and readily available, so if you are looking for a new fashion trend to add to your wardrobe, this is a great option. Most importantly though, if you are wearing something trendy whilst exercising, people will be naturally attracted to it. It doesn’t matter what the trend is – if you are wearing socks, then it’s bound to look a little more ‘in’.
