The Changing Face of the Fashion Trends


The Changing Face of the Fashion Trends

In order to understand the current trends in Pakistan and the reasons for such fluctuations, it is imperative to be aware of the significant events that affect the country’s fashion industry. The two most significant events that have had a profound impact on the fashion industry are the elections that took place in December and the formation of a constitutional government in April 2021. Both of these governments marked significant changes in the country’s fashion sector, with the outcomes of the elections having a significant bearing on women’s fashion trends.

With the coming of the government, there was a marked increase in the number of industries that specialized in women’s clothing as well as an increase in the number of women-oriented shops. This surge in the number of shopkeepers was accompanied by the liberalization of the textile industry and a liberalization of the labor market that resulted in an increase in the employment rate among women. While the conservative majority of women still adhere to traditional styles, there is a rapid growth of industries that offer fashionable clothing for women. These industries have led to a radicalization of women’s fashion trends, with many Pakistani women adopting Western fashion trends and styles in order to conform to the expectations of their Westernized counterparts.

The increase in the number of women-oriented shops and the liberalization of the textile industry have also led to the emergence of many new fashion designers who have established a firm influence on the minds of women in Pakistan. These designers now employ models from the Asian continent to come up with their creations. A number of international fashion designers also decide to establish their own outlets in Pakistan, thereby creating a boost in the fashion industry of the country. One of the most notable of these designers is Hara Karan, who has been successful in creating his designs as well as launching a line of clothing for men. His designs are targeted at men who wish to look fashionable but without imitating women’s over-clothing. Karan’s outfits are both attractive and elegant, and reflect his expertise as an artist.
