The Changing Face Of fingernail Fashion Trends


The Changing Face Of fingernail Fashion Trends

With the changing of time and the increasing popularity of fashion, you will be able to witness all sorts of changes in fingernail fashion trends. The fingernail fashion trends are defined by the shape of our fingernails. A nail with a unique shape or design is definitely eye catching and the first to be imitated. However, it is not only the physical appearance but also the style quotient which keep on changing depending upon the social scenario prevailing at any given time. This also reflects the personality of a person.

Some of the most prominent fingernail fashion trends include the French manicure, in which the fingernail is shaped like a French manicure; bob cut style, wherein the fingernail is cut straight across to the nail bed and the tip rounded; chignon, in which the fingernail is shaped like a roundish rectangle and has some prominent protrusions at the corners; the squared off nail, which looks very elegant and chic; textured fingernail fashion trend, which are popular among females; and the blunt fingernail fashion trend, in which the fingernail is shaped like a box. These are just a few of the many different styles in which fingernail shapes are available. They vary according to the purpose for which they are applied. If it is a formal occasion, one can opt for the more elegant and stylish ones. If it is casual, then one can opt for the fun and funky ones.

Another major change in fingernail fashion trends includes the color of the manicure. Earlier, they were available in different shades such as purple, blue, black, brown and even green. However, today, they are available in just about any color that one can think of. In fact, there have been a lot of people who have completely converted their fingernails into a different shade. Thus, it would definitely be a good idea to try out new colors, just to keep up with the new fingernail fashion trends.
