The Book of Angie Obwaka, Or, The Truth About Nationality Dreams


If there was ever a more inspiring and motivational teacher than Angie Obwaka. A teacher who love to help others find the passion of life, and helps them find it every single day. A teacher who encourages you to be open-minded and learn from your mistakes and teaches you that life’s too short to dwell on the negatives. A teacher who gets you to stop thinking in terms of the past and start living in the present. A woman who loves all things beautiful and is not afraid to show off her natural beauty.

One would expect that a book such as “Angie O” would promote the view that marriage should be chosen rather than forced. Yet “Angie O” promotes the opposite – a marriage that is chosen because you are in love, even though your partner may not feel it. In this book, the author shows how choosing a marriage rather than being forced into one will lead to a stronger, more fulfilling and longer lasting marriage. She also shows how choosing a marriage will lead to a higher self-esteem, more security, and greater self-confidence. Most importantly, she promotes the “American dream”, which is absolutely priceless when it comes to your personal happiness and fulfillment.

This is not to say that “Angie O” is a Christian book. The entire premise of the story is based around nationalities. But if we look at it critically… isn’t that what “Christian” stands for? Aren’t we taught to believe that our nation, our culture, and our religion are the “truths” about ourselves, about our fellow man… and that if those things change, then we’ve been changed somehow, and our perception of ourselves will be different, and consequently so will our happiness and fulfillment. So if we choose to choose a marriage guided by “the American dream”, we will be guaranteed a lifetime of happiness, regardless of our nationalities.
