The Benefits of Using Patagonia Wading Socks


Patagonia Wading Socks is an ideal choice for wading in the great outdoors, whether it’s in a river or on a pond. They provide ample protection to bare feet while allowing you to feel the water as if you’re not really in the water. They’re made from ultra-light, flexible neoprene which is the same material used in many swimming pools. This material allows them to be used in colder temperatures without developing aching or numbness in your feet or hands.

For those who have ever waded in the Patagonia wilderness, you know how thin and sensitive your feet can be in the deep cold. Your extremities are working double time to compensate for your lack of air, and you end up feeling more like you’re treading sand than you are walking on the smooth surface of the lake or river. That’s where Patagonia wader socks come into play! Wearing a pair of wader socks will add a layer of cushion that will make your bare feet feel much better than bare feet. They also help keep your feet dry because the materials don’t absorb moisture from the ground and pass it directly through your feet instead through your body, wicking away moisture and keeping your feet dry.

Some people prefer to use Patagonia Wading Socks along with their nylon or vinyl boat shoes, but the real reason to use waders is for pure comfort and peace of mind. If you want to walk through a large expanse of wilderness that has virtually no current, other than the flow of water from your pool or another lake, a pair of waders will give you that advantage. And when you’re just lounging in the middle of the lake, having the freedom to pull your waders off and put them back on without having to get a new pair is great. You won’t have to worry about your feet getting wet any more than you would if you had worn plain old sneakers, and you’ll still be able to feel the comfort of your waders as you walk down the river or stream.
