The Age of Emotional Distance in Modern Dating


Kate Call is a talented writer, editor and author from British Columbia. She is best known for creating articles that focus on relationships and dating at both the professional and personal levels. Kate has also authored several books on relationship topics such as “The Age of Emotional Distance: Connecting With Your Partner in Times of Crisis”, “The Nationality File” and her first book entitled “Revelation”. Ms. Call has also spent time working with youth as a counselor and as a youth group leader focusing on identity issues and sense of belonging. Her professional experience and work in the youth sector have led her to develop a unique and valuable perspective on relationships and dating that is relevant to people of all ages.

When discussing dating and relationships it is important to examine one’s own perceptions and beliefs as this plays an important role in how comfortable a person is in their relationship. Some of the questions to ask yourself when considering entering a new relationship include: am I open to having a long term relationship or am I content to be dating my partner for a “quickie” period? What does the other person want from the relationship? Is there a difference between dating and working together in a marriage? If yes, what kind of relationship will give me and my partner what we are looking for?

It is also important to take stock of your beliefs and expectations when considering entering into a new relationship. This can play an important role in how you interact with your partner and can lead to conflict if you are not aware of how you conduct yourself in the relationship. If you think that you are not compatible with your partner and this is playing a major role in the outcome of the relationship, it may be time to reevaluate the compatibility between you and your partner. Are you able to adjust your behaviors to meet each other’s needs? Can you commit to one another and truly work as a team? These questions should be answered before entering into any type of relationship to ensure that both you and your partner get what you want out of the relationship.
