The Age of Celebrity Dressing Rooms


Yasmin Nadiah is a talented young woman with the height of an A-list celebrity. She has been working as a dressmaker for more than five years, yet she remains so true to her roots. She knows that her roots run deeper than her looks and beauty. In her interview with Yashar Ali, she reveals her passion for her profession and her views on gender roles. When asked what she thinks of men who feel trapped in the pink slips, she responded with,” Everywhere, men are trapped. In the fashion industry, in the cinema, everywhere.”

She expresses her belief that everyone deserves a chance to express themselves, to create their own style, to be appreciated for their looks, to feel needed without being over-loaded, and most of all to be appreciated for their career as well. With this in mind, she maintains that even if she chooses to dress up as a man, she would never let go of her true identity as a woman first and foremost. The fact that she enjoys dressing up as a man is simply an expression of her freedom to be herself, a freedom that we all need to make a difference in this world.

But what of age? Do the young, the old, and the middle stay true to their gender identity or will they succumb to peer pressure and get lured into subservient roles? Age doesn’t necessarily stay with us forever. As Yasmin Nadiah says, there’s always something new to learn.
