The Age Difference


When the camera caught up with Angie Age on the beach, the world heard her voice screaming out, “My God, what a waste of life!” It was her turn to wince, as she realized what kind of a waste of life she had turned into. She was thirty-three years old, and though she had a pretty face, and a nice body, she looked more like a dancer than a lady, a victim of circumstance, and more than a little bit bored. She had lost all sense of herself. For a while, she had tried to pretend that it didn’t bother her, but deep down in her, there had been nothing more to concentrate on but her own misery.

It didn’t matter that she was only 4′ 10″, that her husband was older than her by thirty-one years, or that her celebrity boyfriend was an ex-convict and that there could be nothing serious between her and this young man. No, Angie Age was focused entirely on her own unhappiness. She had made the mistake of falling in love too quickly with this young man who claimed to be her soul mate, who was handsome and smart and seemed to have everything that a woman could dream of. Angie Age’s problem was that she had let herself go, and had not been strong enough to resist the siren song of a man whose advances were based solely on her looks and sex appeal, without ever considering how her life would change if he were to move out of his modest apartment and marry her.

And so it happened that the very day that the cameras captured Angie’s reaction to her national treasure, the same man who was about to marry her, decided to move out of town, just weeks before their planned wedding. Angie had to accept the fact that there would be no more romance between her much sought after young boyfriend. It was not fair to her or to the expectations of their upcoming marriage. But worst of all, was the impact on Angie as her much desired young career was affected. She had spent years, working hard at building her image for both herself and her career, and now all that work would be for nothing. And so, in an effort to save their marriage, Angie had to begin a new chapter in her life.
