Tall Women’s Partner – Valentina Pahde


Valentina Pahde was born in Ghana, Africa. She is a famous personality in both Africa and Europe and is considered a brand of “intellectual modernity”. In the mid-seventies she travelled to Milan to study ballet with an ascetic monk called Father Bell who taught her the discipline of Zen. After leaving Ghana she went to Paris where she worked with several well-known designers such as Dior, Balmain, D&G, Kiehling, and Fath. After a few years she decided to take a break from fashion by writing articles for an online magazine in Ghana, which she named “Au Moi” (Voice).

Later in life Pahde became very interested in height increasing surgeries and set up her own company called “Hai Mahi International” in Ghana. Her business flourished for twenty years until it went bust in 1996. Later she decided to concentrate her efforts on height increasing surgeries and was equally successful in this field in India. Since then she has expanded her practice to include various other subjects including rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, arthroplasty, liposuction, breast augmentations, facelifts, and lipo.

As an actress she has appeared in some well known films including “Dumb & Dumber”, “A History Of Love” and “The Perfect Score” as well as numerous television shows. In her recent movie “Bridget Jones Diary” Pahde plays the role of a woman who is a parapsychologist and specializes in dreams, demons and aliens. There are a lot of celebrities who use these services as they could grow to be a bit awkward if their partners are not tall.
