Tall Women’s Health – Isabelle Fuhrmann


Isabelle Fuhrman was born in 1951 in Omaha, Nebraska. Her childhood was spent in Southern California, where her father was a well-known carpenter and wood sculptor. As a child, Isabelle developed a fascination with all things vintage, so much so that she would collect old musical instruments and windmills for decades. At age sixteen, Isabelle’s mother encouraged her to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional artist, but despite her enthusiasm, college remained out of her reach. This would change, however, when she began receiving letters from an older man who taught her everything she knew about photography. From this point on, Isabelle Fuhrman pursued a career in both photography and art, beginning at the age of twenty-three.

Over the years, Isabelle has displayed a remarkable versatility as an actress, singer, and writer. Most notably, she appeared in four films, The Heartbreak Kid, Who’s That Girl, and Anaya Stevenson’s Anaya. Her height is listed at 6′ 2″, which is standard for actresses in those times, but the real length of her spine is considered unusually short for a person of her stature, weighing only 140 pounds. Nevertheless, Isabelle has been happy with her body height, and she attributes her good looks to her early love of drawing.

In her adulthood, Isabelle has chosen to pursue a career in acting, working with such names as Rex Ingram, James Earl Jones, and Denholm Elliott. Her favorite roles were those where she displayed a rare beauty, such as in The Heartbreak Kid, where she played the nerdy nurse assisting the dimwitted young patient in his recovery. Following her stint in Heartbreak Kid, Isabelle showcased a different kind of beauty in the play The Nanny Diaries, in which she played a wife left devastated by her husband’s philandering ways. She also appeared in the award-winning film World on the Edge, playing the wife of a warlord. Finally, she returned to her role as the nurse in Anaya Stevenson’s The Awakening, playing the same role as previously.
