Tall Women’s Fashion – The Career of Adriana Mendoza


A good way to start off in the advertising business is to try out something new, like Adriana Mendoza. She has been a successful executive and a model in both her personal and corporate life, and now she is trying out a new line of work: becoming a recruiter. If this sounds familiar to you as a woman who has always wanted to climb up the corporate ladder, consider yourself lucky, and make sure that you don’t let your natural height get in the way of your success. Mendoza is now trying out the industry that caters to shorter people – an agency that handles job offers for those with different kinds of height requirements.

So what does it take to get into the line of work? While it has everything to do with height, this particular line of work doesn’t really require much more than common sense. In fact, a lot of it depends on your own sense of self-esteem. If you think that you are pretty tall and can look good in short skirts or dresses, then it’s pretty much just a matter of showing up for work and making yourself presentable. If you have low self-esteem and think that you’d look better wearing boots and stilettos, you might need to go through some therapy.

The most important thing about this career choice is the fact that it will help you discover your true potential. When you are working in an environment where you will be competing not only with other potential candidates but also other people who have a different height than you do, you will be forced to work up your game. After all, being able to find new heights and new possibilities is part of the American Dream, and if this agency is anything to go by, you can get to enjoy that part of yourself. Being tall isn’t just a physical trait – it’s also a social one!
