Tall Women of the Modern World


Isabela Verri is a famous tall woman who also happens to be a world-class connoisseur of art and culture. She was born in Brazil but her roots are traced firmly in Chile, making her one of the few lovers of both South American and European culture whose family roots, reside not in the place where they grow up but rather in Europe. This was not by chance, given that, according to popular opinion, the best place to holiday is France; but given her unique and vibrant way of life, her choice of choosing to live and work in Chile is understandable. There she mingled her love for art, culture and tall women with her natural height advantage and made an effort to make as big a mark in the art and culture scene as possible. It mattered little to her that her success in doing so depended primarily on the support of her husband, who made it clear from the beginning that his wife’s greatest priorities in life were to be close to him and to have as much freedom as possible.

Isabela Verri followed in her footsteps several other beautiful, successful and famous women who have ably supported her path so far. Her immediate predecessors in the art and culture department were, of course, the likes of Dora Serrano, who produced works which would define the look and feel of the nouveau era; Camille Saint-Xavier, who broke with tradition by creating designs that could be considered avant-garde; and the great Belgian artist, Hubert Van Eyck, who broke with traditional norms by creating unconventional items like umbrellas. All these talented women and some not so talented women paved the way for Verri to express herself artistically and to establish herself as one of the most important and creative stylists in the world.

However, her greatest claim to fame may lie in the fact that she is the world’s only ten-foot tall woman. (The record previously held by another is by actress Angelina Jolie; see box below.) Achieving such height was no easy feat; Verri had to go through a series of medical procedures in order to achieve this height, but she was able to achieve it. Her achievements are sure to spur on other taller women; maybe someday we’ll see a woman stretching over 10 feet tall!
