Tall Women of Canada


Anna Pinchuk was born in Ukraine. She is currently a freelance writer who has made articles for a number of publications including: The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Time, Foreign Policy, The National Interest, and Mother Nature. Anna Pinchuk has a few biographical facts that are interesting. She is listed at number 7 on the list of the tallest women in the world. She is listed as a professional athlete in the Ukraine National Football League. Height does not appear to be a factor in the listing.

Height does play into other aspects of Anna Pinchuk’s life however. She has served in the Ukrainian National Guard and as a volunteer. These activities have contributed to her height, but other things, such as a career in law have also played a role. As a lawyer, she served as an assistant to the Secretary of State for International Affairs, specializing in the Canadian International Development Programs. This experience gave her some exposure to international affairs.

Pinchuk grew up in Canada, a place she describes as “an adventure”. She says her family “was always involved in each other’s lives, whether it be bringing meals home or helping to pick their kids up [at] schools”. Pinchuk studied at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, which is one of the four institutions on the Ryerson University campus that are wholly dependent on the federal government for their funding. While at Ryerson, she earned degrees in political science, journalism, and sociology.
