Tall Women – Are You Really Attracted To Tall Men?


Clare Cirillo is a professional writer from Canada who is an expert on dating and relationships. She has been dating for over ten years and has helped many other people in the process of finding the perfect match, and she enjoys sharing her wealth of dating experience with others. In her own online dating bio, she talks about her Canadian nationality (she is originally from Ottawa) and discusses what makes her tick. She claims to have dated a lot of different people, and that her height and nationality (American) are very important in terms of how open-minded she is, which is what most dating experts say you need in a partner. In her bio, she mentions her favourite age bracket, and in it she also mentions her professional interests, including being a teacher.

So does Ms. Cirillo have any dating success? She states on her dating site bio that she has dated a lot of guys and generally found that guys were often attracted to women who were a few inches taller than them. Of course, she is careful not to put any numbers on it, but she has dated guys who were in their mid twenties, late twenties, early thirties, and even fifties. She has always dated within her height and nationality group, and she states that this has helped her a great deal as it made it much easier for her to know what kind of guy would be like. While it may be true that other taller and darker nationalities will get a greater percentage of male dating leads than light nationalities, it is not necessarily true for every female.

Does this mean that there aren’t more dating site daters who are really short? It could be that the short men and women really do attract more guys. This just means that everyone is different. We can only speculate though, and while Clare Cirillo has definitely had some interesting dates, we can’t say that she has had great ones. We will have to wait and see, maybe in the future we’ll see a taller woman with a massive height advantage.
