Tall Women and the History of Tall Women in India


Was Francisca the model for your Ideal Woman? (see below) The Holy Family of the Holy Family, from the Renaissance Period, composed of the likes of Joan of Spain, Isabella of Aragon, Ferdinand of Heaven, and Pope Boniface VIII. Her career is also well-known in Italian Renaissance literature, with most references to her being ‘the mistress of a Roman household’. She was born in Spain, of Spanish parents who spoke Portuguese. In her youth she was said to have been troubled by illness and was imprisoned for two years in the castle of Seville, where her maids took care of her until a knight rescued her.

From the age of thirteen, when the story of her captivity begins, to age forty-four, friar was a famous lady in the courts of King Henry III, patron saint of the Catholic Church. Francisca’s mother, a priestess of the Roman faith, taught her the art of embroidery, and from this time on she was known as the Queen of Hungary, and later, the Roman Catholic Queen who was at the court of Henry IV. The Queen was said to be extremely kind, gentle, and compassionate towards her subjects, even towards her enemies, even unto her own mother! She became known as a great patron of arts and sciences, and was known to teach evolution theory. It is said that the Queen would often travel to the churchyards of her kingdom in order to see if she could find the bones of St Barbara.

If you are looking for a tall woman, with long legs, then look no further than the ‘Queen of Spain’ or ‘the Queen of Hungary’. Or you can also opt for the ‘Srila Prabhupada’. In fact, the subject of stupendous height has been given new life through the works of writers like Kalidasa, Amrita Sher-Gil, and Ruparel Balan. In fact, some of the greatest painters and poets in India, have depicted height as a feature of many historical characters.
