Tall Fashion Models in the UK โ€“ Why You Should Consider Including Emilee Raeann


Emilee Raeann is a British model who has appeared in a number of photo shoots for brands such as Gucci, Dior and Calvin Klein. She has been compared in looks to the likes of Victoria Beckham and has gone on record stating that she loves to go to the beach in summer. At the age of 17, she began her career in fashion when she began dating a young fellow British model named Rob Bailey. They met when Bailey was doing a photo shoot for a prestigious magazine in the UK. He then asked her to pose for him and she did.

With the opportunities that the two have received in the fashion industry, both have achieved great heights in their chosen fields and are now famous in their own right. However, both are still relatively new to international stardom, having only spent a few years in their home country. For those who are looking for an international break, it is very important to invest in your image and look good whilst doing it. It is not always easy to get a big break in fashion, but with some patience and hard work, you will definitely be back in the limelight after a few more years of staying at home.

The best thing about Emileeโ€™s height is that even though she is a bit shorter than the average woman, she looks confident and wears high heels with confidence. She has also gained a lot of weight over the years, so her natural assets have outshined her natural assets and gave her the appearance of a real woman. She has gone from an average looking teenager to a beautiful woman, thanks to her career in the UK and her determination to keep up with the latest trends. If you are looking for a tall model with a great body, you should definitely consider hiring Emilee. She is definitely one of the best British taller models.
