Tall Fairy Tales – A Love Story


The prolific American author Emma Dean has earned a reputation as one of the most successful and best ghostwriters in recent history. With many of her tales being given a much-deserved fantasy setting, she’s certainly knows how to entice her readers in effortlessly, as she manages to write in an easy-going style that is true to life and often makes the reader feel almost like they’ve really been transported into another world. And for anyone who’s ever struggled to get a good handle on the female gender, Emma Dean knows first-hand how difficult it can be to get over one’s self-consciousness and lack of confidence. This often translates into an incredibly successful, interesting and gripping story that tackles one of the most-baffling aspects of modern day women – their height.

The novel begins by delving into the psyche of Emma, who’s clearly got high hopes about her upcoming marriage with John – a much-beloved American football coach. But John doesn’t seem too keen on their height difference, which leads to constant arguments that result in Emma becoming increasingly depressed and withdrawn. In addition, Emma’s fears about her career path are coming to light as she realises that she may not be cut out for a career as a novelist. Finally, just when it seems that things couldn’t get any more complicated, word gets out that Emma has been cast as the lead in a hugely popular production of a stage play.

Now, Emma must try and juggle a personal relationship whilst maintaining a career while still loving life and admiring her amazing friends and family for their support and love. As she struggles to maintain her relationships, the weight of her dreams and ambitions for the future constantly become a burden that she struggles to bear. As the story evolves it becomes clear that what Emma was dreaming about is not going to simply happen, but what she wants out of life is also going to prove to be impossible. The great thing about this novel is that it doesn’t try to highlight the negative aspects of being tall, instead the focus is placed on how to love, life and courage to help those who are slightly taller manage to find the happiness they seek.
