Sarita Bhagat
Sarita Bhagat Giri (Rajasthan), who has been in jail for nearly nine years. He was set to receive a four-year jail sentence after he was sentenced to death in 2012. “In the past nine years of my life, at least 7,000 people in Jaipur were murdered,” he says. “I was Continue Reading
Keith Awad
Keith Awad has been working with the family of the fallen gunman since Sunday and was with friends on the floor of the library on Monday night. “It was terrifying,” he said. “It’s crazy how fast this has gone from bad to just totally out of hand… I was scared Continue Reading
Toronto Fashion Trends
Toronto Fashion Trends One can see the influence of Toronto fashion trends on other fashion cities such as New York, Miami and even Los Angeles. Fashion trends have reached so far in Canada due to the impact of the fashion-conscious people here. Fashionable clothes are now being preferred by people Continue Reading